What Is GMAT
The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a computer-adaptive test which assesses a person’s analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal and reading skills in standard written English. This test is taken in preparation for being admitted into a graduate management program, such as MBA and Masters in Finance related courses
GMAT exam assesses higher order reasoning, a skill that improves with practice, preparing for the exam takes a great deal of time and practice – significantly more than for a conventional test.
However, doing well on the GMAT exam is very important for your future success, not just in school but in your career. Here are 4 reasons why:
1: Taking the GMAT exam alerts programs around the world that you are serious about your pursuit of a graduate management education, thereby increasing your likelihood of admission.
2: More than 5,900 graduate management programs around the world rely on the GMAT exam as the most reliable predictor of your success.
3: The GMAT exam is required for admission to many of the world's top business schools.
4: Programs that require the GMAT attract the best students, which not only helps guarantee a rich educational environment, but also gives you access to an influential network of future business leaders that will enrich your career many times over.
GMAT Eligibility
There are no specific GMAT eligibility criteria, apart from the fact that the candidates should be at least 18 years old. The respective institutes may have a different eligibility criteria but Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) has no specific selection criterion.
GMAT Syllabus
GMAT is a three and a half hours test with a maximum score of 800 points. The entire GMAT syllabus divided into four sections. Here is the division of the exam syllabus:
Analytical Writing Section
The Analytical Writing section will have topics on which the candidate will have to write, or a passage may be given on which questions will be asked. On the basis of the passage, the candidate will have to answer. The syllabus for this section is vast and varied as the topic of the passage could be any topic of interest. The main idea is to focus on the structure of the answer and not the arguments presented. Remember, it is not a test of your opinion but your writing style, so it is safer to stick to neutral opinion.
Quantitative Section
The Quantitative Section comprises of two sections, namely Data Sufficiency and Problem Solving. In the Data Sufficiency section there will be 18 questions and in Problem Solving section there will be 18 questions. The questions will be objective type and will have multiple choice answers. In this section the questions can be expected from the following math syllabus:
- Geometry
- Elementary Algebra
- Arithmetic
- Ratio Proportions
- Properties of Integers
- Permutation and combinations
- Exponents and roots
- Linear equations etc.
Verbal Skills
This Verbal Skills section will have 36 multiple choice questions. This section is divided into Critical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension and Sentence Correction. This section tests the candidates’ ability to comprehend the written material, read and understand the logical relationship between the points mentioned in the passage and concepts. Following areas will be covered in this section:
- Critical reasoning
- Rhetorical construction of the sentences
- Sentence correction related to finding error or omission
- Reading unseen passages
- Subject verb agreement
- Misplace modifiers
- Countable Vs. Uncountable
- Parallelism
Integrated Reasoning Section
The Integrated Reasoning section is the newest addition in the GMAT syllabus. This section tests the candidates’ ability of evaluating the data presented in graph or table format. This section has 12 questions of the following type:
- Table analysis
- Graphic interpretation
- Multi source reasoning
- Two part analysis
The application fee for GMAT 2018 is $250, which would roughly translate to Rs 15,000-16,000 approximately. Also, if the applicants want to change the center or reschedule the test then they will be charged $50 extra.
The GMAT exam is conducted and offered on demand, round the year in 17 of the following GMAT test centers in India: Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Ranchi, Bangalore, Kochi, Indore, Pune, Nagpur, Mumbai, Chennai, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Coimbatore, Jaipur, and Kolkata.