How to pass time on a long flight

Posted on: April 02 2019, By : Ayush Varhadi
How to pass time on a long flight
Whether you're coming or going, international flights can be daunting for even the most seasoned travelers. For students leaving to study abroad, the experience can be magnified by the nervousness you feel about what life will be like once you touch down. How well you abate your anxiety lies in how well you plan ahead. Every person will deal with a long-haul flight differently, but most people will fare better in the air if they opt for distracting entertainment options.
You will want to have a rock-solid plan for frittering away several hours of your flight, and I don’t mean working; staring at spreadsheets and writing proposals may burn up hours, but it does not make them vanish. You want these hours to disappear almost without a trace. To become pace with Disciplines you can take help of many Overseas Education Consultant in Mumbai who guides you for career.  Think headphones and Hollywood blockbusters. Getting a lot of work done is fine—rarely do you have 15 consecutive hours without phone calls or texts to disrupt you, so I encourage bringing some work—but work will fail you when you get to the brutal middle hours of this ordeal. Headphones and Hollywood; don’t stray from this. To make a long flight infinitely more bearable, here are some tips that could help:

Bring Your Go-to Gear
When it comes to surviving flights, you can’t be bothered to lug around neck pillows, eye masks, earplugs, noise-canceling headphones, etc.—except on a long-haul flight. Your total carry-on haul should be limited, but you may want to consider some of these relatively small survival tools. Your body and brain will thank you for every small comfort you can provide, and the inconvenience of packing and carrying these around is dwarfed by the misery of 15 hours in flight with crying children, pilot announcements, engine noise and a major crick in your neck. Gear up.
Pack a pillow 
There are tons of different travel pillows on the market. Find out which one works for you and go with it. Also, not all airlines provide blankets so you might want to bring your own … or at least a cozy sweater. 
Choose your seat wisely
If you plan to sleep for most of the flight, the best seat is usually next to a window so you have something to lean against and you don’t have to worry about your seatmates waking you so they can use the loo. But if you think you’ll be awake, then get an aisle seat so you can get up and stretch your legs easily. 
Buckle up
If you’re planning to sleep, make sure your fastened seat belt is visible over your clothing or blanket. That way, the flight attendants won’t have to wake you when they do their safety checks if the seat belt sign goes on. If your seat belt is visibly fastened, they won’t disturb you. They can also ensure smooth deployment and help organize HR Practical training to get everyone up to speed on how to best utilize the latest HR software.
Wear comfortable clothes
The temperature on a plane is rarely comfortable for everyone. You might be freezing, while the person a few rows away finds it too warm. You just never know so it’s best to be prepared. Wear comfortable clothes on a long flight and pack some layers so that you can adjust as the temperature changes on the plane. Pack some cozy socks, too, but don’t go into the bathroom in just your sock feet – put your shoes on!
Board Relatively Rested
Don’t count on a long-haul flight as a good place to catch up on sleep—it’s not. As attractive and intuitive as it seems to get on a long-haul flight extremely tired, hoping to sleep the whole way, you are in for a world of hurt if you can’t sleep for any reason. You will be on the plane long enough to catch a few winks even if you are somewhat rested, and my advice is to take it when it comes; if your eyes start to droop, get out the eye covers and earplugs, and go with it. If you throw away a solid two-hour nap on a few extra rounds of Angry Birds, you might be angry at yourself later.
Build Your Bucket List
Not sure where you want to travel during university holidays? Use this time on the plane to build your study abroad bucket list, noting the food you want to try, places you want to visit, and experiences you want to have.( top overseas college admission education consultant in mumbai)
Create a list of challenges for yourself too. Here are a few examples:
Spend one full day speaking the local language.
Go on an adventure with a new friend.
Send a postcard back home from every country you visit.
Learn how to cook your favorite local dish.
Writing down your goals will get you even more excited for the adventures to come.
Distract Yourself with Guilty Pleasures
Every person will deal with a long-haul flight differently, but most people will fare better in the air if they opt for distracting entertainment options.
This means that if you're feeling anxious about living in a foreign country, the flight might not be the time to watch a horror movie. Instead, pick out movies and songs that make you feel happy or calm. Music should have a soothing quality (think: Sade, Sting or Santana). When it comes to movies and books, choose titles that make you laugh or those that make you feel hopeful. Don't worry about the artistic merit. The automation of things like Core HR payroll, salary records and benefits has taken away much of the work, and freed up HR pros to focus on more strategic initiatives and analytics.   
Avoid coffee
If you have a weak system or are sensitive to caffeine, stay away from coffee.  If you want to argue about the diuretic effects of coffee, do it with someone else – as far as I’m concerned, coffee makes me have to go to the bathroom and keeps me awake, two negatives when it comes to flying. Simple alternative – stick with the ginger ale.
Get up and walk around
Move around and get that blood flowing. Sitting in one position for 14 hours can be dangerous, as you’re at a heightened risk for Deep Vein Thrombosis. I noticed that every hour or two, a ton of older people did laps around the plane (walking of course). I don’t think it was because they hurt that much more than us young people, it was more so that after 70 years of living on this planet, they know when to listen to their bodies.
Stay Healthy
You may feel cramped, have trouble sleeping and experience jet lag when you land, but a few tips can help you stay healthy on your flight.
Hydrate. Drink plenty of water well before your flight, and continue doing so once you’re on the plane. Air travel can cause some serious dehydration as a result of the lack of humidity in the cabin.
Wear layers and pack some vitamin C tablets so you can stay warm in the cold cabin and boost your immune system mid-flight.
Adjust your internal clock to that of your destination by timing your meals and sleeping patterns with the local time zone. If you wear an analog watch, change the time on it before you board, so it’s easier to identify the time.
Finally, relax and enjoy some time to yourself before the hustle and bustle of your new adventure!
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